
Should I Give My Child Goat’s Milk?

goat's milk in a cup and pitcher

Goat’s milk can be found in the dairy aisle of many grocery stores. It is available in 1%, 2% and whole milk varieties. Goat’s milk is pasteurized and contains similar amounts of nutrients and less lactose than cow’s milk. Follow these tips:
  • If your child is under 9 months of age, you should not give him goat’s milk (or cow’s milk). Breastmilk is the best choice. Commercial infant formula may be used if you are not exclusively breastfeeding.
  • If your child is 9 months or older and eats a variety of iron-rich foods, you can give whole goat's milk fortified with vitamin D and folic acid as an alternative to cow's milk.  Check the label to find out if the goat’s milk is fortified.
  • If your child is lactose intolerant or has a cow’s milk allergy, you should not give your child goat’s milk. Goat’s milk contains lactose. In addition, children who are allergic to cow’s milk are likely allergic to goat’s milk.

Whether you choose whole cow’s milk or goat’s milk, be sure to always choose pasteurized milk. Have more questions about goat’s milk and whether it’s safe for your child? Speak to your health care provider.

Last Update – July 25, 2018

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