
Will Bowel Cleansing Help Me Lose Weight and Keep My Digestive System Healthy?

colon cleanse powder, drink and supplements

A bowel cleanse is used to remove  waste from the bowel or colon. Certain herbal products, “detox” diets, and colon irrigation (colon flushing) methods are often used. Bowel cleanses are not recommended for weight loss, disease prevention, or to keep your digestive system healthy. There is no evidence that they help and some cleansing products and diets may even have negative side effects. 

Unless your physician has recommended a bowel cleanse to get ready for bowel surgery or a colonoscopy, your body does not need bowel cleanses to remove stool or toxins. Your body does this naturally. Bowel cleanses should only be done under the supervision of a physician. 
Nutritious food choices, like eating foods high in fibre, combined with other healthy lifestyle habits can help you prevent disease and maintain a healthy digestive system

How can a dietitian help?

dietitian can give you advice on which foods you can eat to keep your digestive system healthy and to help manage your weight. They can also advise you on any nutrients you may be missing from your diet, and whether you would benefit from a supplement. Connect with a dietitian today

Bottom line

Unless recommended by your physician, bowel cleanses are not recommended. A nutritious, balanced diet can help keep your digestive system healthy and help you manage your weight. 

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This article was written and reviewed by dietitians from Dietitians of Canada. The advice in this article is intended as general information and should not replace advice given by your dietitian or healthcare provider. 

Last Update – June 8, 2022

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