
10 “SMART” Physical Activity Goals

woman running Setting “SMART” physical activity goals is a great way to help you feel and look your best. “SMART” stands for goals that are: specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-framed. Setting “SMART” goals can also help you achieve bigger goals you may want to set for yourself over time.

Use these 10 “SMART” goals below to get your inspired. 

1. Do you feel you have no time to be active? Try this goal: 

Walk briskly for 10 minutes every day this week.

2. Need some support to get active? Try this goal: 

Go for a walk with a friend for 15 minutes 2 times this week.

3. Want stronger muscles? Try this goal: 

Do 15 minutes of activity 2 times this week that strengthen my muscles and bones (e.g. weights, Pilates, yoga).

4. Does the social part of being active appeal to you? Try this goal: 

Go to the local YMCA, community centre or gym and do an activity (e.g. aerobics, Zumba, swimming) with a friend 1 time this week.

5. Want the whole family to get active? Try this goal: 

Do an outdoor family activity with the kids this weekend (e.g. go for a hike, play at the park, play tag in the backyard).

6. Does the family watch too much television? Try this goal: 

Replace 30 minutes of screen time (e.g. TV, social networking, gaming, watching videos) with 30 minutes of physical activity 2 times this week.

7. Want to add variety to your physical activity? Try this goal: 

Be physically active for 20 minutes 2 times this week (e.g. brisk walking, jogging, bike riding, dancing, swimming).

8. Love bike riding? Try this goal: 

Go for a bike ride for 20 minutes 1 time this week.

9. Want to try something new? Try this goal: 

Try a new physical activity this week.

10. Are you already very active? Challenge yourself! Try this goal: 

Be physically active for 60 minutes 4 times this week (e.g. brisk walking, jogging, bike riding, dancing, swimming).

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Your guide to setting healthy living goals

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Note: If you have a medical condition, speak to your health professional before starting a physical activity routine.

Last Update – October 13, 2020

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