Chewing problems can interfere with healthy eating. A change in your ability to chew means you will need to choose foods that are softer to eat. You will also need to change the way you make certain dishes. With some knowledge and planning, you can still eat a nutritious diet. Here is a guide to selecting and preparing soft, moist foods that are easier to chew.
What causes chewing problems?
Some chewing problems are temporary and some may require ongoing support. Here are some of the reasons why you may have trouble chewing:
Mouth, gum, tooth, head or neck surgery
Gum disease
Reduced saliva as part of aging
Tooth decay or tooth loss
Wearing poor-fitting dentures
Dry mouth from medications
Oral cancer
Side effect of cancer treatment
Who should I talk to about my chewing problems?
If you are not chewing well, you will likely eat fewer foods. This may lead to nutrient deficiencies or weight loss. It is important to have a balanced diet, even if you have trouble chewing.
A team of health care professionals can help with chewing problems. Talk with your doctor. You may want to include these people on your health care team:
Dietitian – to learn about eating a balanced diet with a variety of soft foods
Speech therapist – to help you properly use the muscles in your mouth and throat
Dentist – to examine your teeth and gums
Denturist – to ensure dentures fit properly
What foods should I eat for my chewing problems?
Even when it is hard to chew, your goal is to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Choose foods from Canada’s Food Guide. Aim to include a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and protein foods everyday. There are many easy-to-chew options!
Vegetables and fruit
Steamed, grilled or roasted vegetables. Choose brightly-coloured options for the most nutritional value – peppers, carrots, beets, broccoli, sweet potatoes, etc.
Soft vegetables such as eggplant, squash, spinach and sweet potato
Canned fruit in water
Pureed vegetables or fruit
Pureed mashed potatoes with milk
Naturally soft fruits such as ripe pear, banana or avocado
Unsweetened apple sauce
Pureed soups: broccoli, squash, corn, tomato, etc.
Whole grains
Protein foods
Nut butters
Canned beans
Mashed canned fish
Fish without bones
Stewed or braised meat
Ground meat or poultry
Fortified plant-based beverages
Cottage or ricotta cheese
Shredded, melted or grated cheese
Tips for preparing and enjoying soft food
Sip water while eating to keep food moist
Moisten dry foods with lower sodium broth, sauce, salad dressing, soup, tea or milk
Enjoy semi-solid foods that are firm but not hard to chew: banana, tofu, eggs
Use a blender or food processor
Chop, mince, grind, blend, mash or puree foods to a texture you can chew easily
Add pureed vegetables to foods for extra vitamins
Add milk or yogurt to foods for extra protein and calcium
Remove skins and seeds from fruits and vegetables before cooking them
Putting it all together
Here are some meal ideas using foods from Canada’s Food Guide and the tips above:
Speak with your dietitian or health care provider if you are losing weight. You may need to eat smaller, more frequent meals that are higher in protein and calories. You may need nutritional supplements.
How can a dietitian help?
If you have chewing problems, a dietitian can work with you to plan meals and snacks that are easy to chew and nutritious. Dietitians consider your medical history, preferences, culture and lifestyle to give you personalized advice. Your dietitian will make sure you are getting enough nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamin D. If you would benefit from a supplement, a dietitian can guide you. Connect with a dietitian today!
Bottom line
If you are having trouble chewing, changing the foods you choose and how you prepare them can help ensure that you eat well. With some guidance, you can still get all the nutrients you need and enjoy delicious meals every day.
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This article was written and reviewed by dietitians from Dietitians of Canada. The advice in this article is intended as general information and should not replace advice given by your dietitian or healthcare provider.
Last Update – January 14, 2023