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Information on vegetarian diets.
Answers to common questions around being vegetarian or vegan.
A vegan is a type of vegetarian that avoids all animal products. With planning a vegan eating pattern can still contain all of the important vitamins and minerals your body needs.
You’ve probably heard of people and food products trying to be more sustainable, but you may have also heard conflicting advice on what that means. Read on to find out what it means to eat sustainably and five simple ways you can get started today.
Serving healthy meals for your family can be difficult if a family member, especially a teenager, decides to become a vegetarian. Here are some ways to do it.
Read on to learn more about the benefits of eating more plant-based and to find easy meal and snack ideas.
Easy Meals for Great Leftovers e-book
Five Tips on Maintaining Your Weight as You Age
Sample Meal Plan for Feeding Your Preschooler (Ages 3 to 5)